Dominican Republic, Haiti, U.S, and Mexico agree on ASF eradication strategy


Technical working groups will be created to make progress in the control and eradication of African swine fever in the Dominican Republic and Haiti and thus reduce the risk of spread to other countries in the Americas.

Mexico's Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development made available to the region the technical expertise of the National Agrifood Health, Safety and Quality Service (Senasica) to strengthen the veterinary services of the affected countries.

Technical working groups led by specialists from Mexico and the United States will be created to strengthen veterinary services in these Caribbean nations, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

In a virtual meeting with his US, Dominican, and Haitian counterparts, the head of the federal agency, Víctor Villalobos Arámbula, presented the proposal in which experts from Senasica will share their experience in animal health intelligence, counter-epidemic measures, and strengthening inspection services at ports, airports, and borders.

To strengthen the actions of the technical groups, the work carried out in recent years by international bodies such as the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) and the International Regional Organization for Plant and Animal Health (OIRSA) will be added. by materials