African swine fever is 7 km from the border of Ukraine!


In Ukraine, the threat of African swine fever is growing. This statement was made by Sergei Oksyuta, the head of the veterinary of Ministry of Internal Affairs. Oksyuta noted that for several years d...

In Ukraine, the threat of African swine fever is growing. This statement was made by Sergei Oksyuta, the head of the veterinary of Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Oksyuta noted that for several years disease have seized considerable territory in the European part of Russia, and the last detectable hotbed of the fever in Russia recorded 7 km from the Ukrainian border.

"The causative agent is resistant to a wide range of temperatures, - says Sergey Oksyuta. - In the dead bodies of pigs the virus is kept up to ten weeks, the meat of sick animals – up to 155 days, in smoked ham - up to 5 months, manure - up to 3 months. The only way - is to make our breeders raise animals in a "closed" mode, not allowing there wild boars. After all, they are the most likely to spread the infection."

If the disease enters Ukraine, all the pigs in the radius of 20 km from the site of infection will have to be killed, besides all the buildings for pigs breeding will have to be burnt, which means immense losses for Ukrainian economy.

At the moment there is no fever in Luhansk region, but to prevent the spreading of the fever to the region the train from Luhansk to border cities of Russia, which is so popular among dealers of meat, was abolished; vaccination of all pigs that are kept in private backyards and factories is being conducted, and at the customs hand baggage of everybody who can carry meat products is checked.

"At the moment, veterinary police is checking hog farms as to ASF situation. They have already checked almost 20 thousand subjects of farming, found about 8.5 thousand violations, imposed fines of 300 thousand UAH, the investigative authorities handed over 57 materials, and over 300 tons of pork were seized out of circulation "- added Oksyuta.

"This disease really is a natural disaster," - said Maria Kolesnik, the head of analytical department AAA consulting agency. “If the infection penetrates to Ukraine - pigs will have to be destroyed completely. But I think this will happen only in the border areas, where specialists will be able to localize the virus. Therefore, Ukraine won’t feel lack of domestic pork”, — she adds.

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