“APK-Invest” started developing the production of feed stuff. As a result the production of feed stuff increased.
In 2011 the total volume of the produced feeds was 90,000, which is 50% more than in 2010. Such volume was reached due to the increase in capacity of feed mill of the company. The reason for this is that the number of pigs of “APK-Invest” has increased. And the all feeds produced by the feed mill are used for feeding the pigs of the company.
Besides increasing the volume of production the company increased its quality as well. It launched full-fat soya bean extruder of Swiss company Buhler; its capacity is 2 tons of products per hour. The plans of the company are to increase the volume of feed stuff production up to 200,000 tons per year by 2015. The total volume of invested money in this business by 2015 is UAH300 mln.