Brazil pig production will increase in 2012. What does it mean for Ukraine?


According to USDA forecast Brazil, that is the greatest pork importer to Ukraine, will increase pig production by 3% in 2012. According to the prognosis of USDA the...

According to USDA forecast Brazil, that is the greatest pork importer to Ukraine, will increase pig production by 3% in 2012. According to the prognosis of USDA the export will be renewed due to f such importers as Hong Kong, Singapore, Angola as well as Ukraine.

That’s why, Brazil pig production development forecast in 2012 concerns Ukraine as well. Last year Brazil pork import was 40% of the whole domestic import. In comparison with 2010 this part reduced on 11 p.p.

Analysts from the agency Dykun Global Consult state such dynamics contributes to pork market improving & gives reasons to predict the reduction of Brazil pork import to Ukraine.

Experts say that Ukrainian pig production has all opportunities not only to satisfy domestic demands & also to become one of the world biggest pork exporters.

Ukraine dependence on pork import & export potential will be discussed on IV International Confgress «Profitable pig production» that will take place on the 5th of June in Kyiv. Leading professionals from Ukraine, Russia, USA & other countries will take part in it.

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