In Ukraine the fight against dangerous animal diseases in 2010 allocated 93,5 million UAH, which corresponds to the last year. This was reported by Vladimir Horzheyev, the First Deputy Head of the State Board of Veterinary Medicine of Ukraine (State Veterinary Medicine Committee) at a meeting of the Intergovernmental Council on Cooperation in the veterinary field of CIS, which started today in Odessa.
The money allocated by the State for the purchase of animal protection and 16 disease diagnosis, allowed to stabilize the epizootic situation in Ukraine and prevent epidemics of African swine fever, avian influenza, anthrax and others. But in some regions there remains an unsatisfactory situation with bovine leukemia. In 2010, 1,000 cases of rabies animals were registerd, however, it is 2,5 times less than in 2007.
The participants - heads of veterinary services of Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Moldova, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Poland and Latvia, having considered the epizootic situation in other countries in the world, agreed to intensify joint efforts to improve its operational by sharing information, conducting seminars, training etc. In particular, it is decided to continue the program of joint actions of CIS member states to prevent and control FMD in 2011-2015. Informing each other about the implementation of complex joint measures to prevent infiltration and spread of avian flu. It is also planned to consider the draft of rules of veterinary inspection of animals slaughter and veterinary-sanitary inspection of meat and meat products, improve the Uniform Rules of veterinary supervision at the international and interstate transportation of livestock goods in connection with the formation of the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan .
At the meeting, Ivan Bisyuk, the Chairman of the State Board of Veterinary Medicine of Ukraine, was elected as a Chairman of the Board for a term for 5 years, who changed Ivan Rozhdestvenskii, the representative of Russia.
The Intergovernmental Council on Cooperation in the veterinary field of CIS was established under the Agreement on Cooperation in the veterinary field in 1993