Denmark's pig population has fallen to a 20-year low


Denmark's pig herd has fallen to a 20-year low, leading to a decline in piglet exports. Piglet exports to Germany from January to November 2022 fell 11.9 percent to nearly 5.09 million compared to the same period last year.

Shipments, previously about 500,000 piglets per month, were 390,000 in October and only 285,000 in November. Imports of piglets from Denmark to Germany in November are 47% lower than the same month last year.

According to the national statistics office, there were a total of 11.90 million pigs in Denmark as of October 1, 2022, a decrease of 1.31 million, or 9.9%, from a year earlier.

Now the pig population in Denmark has fallen to its lowest level in more than 20 years in a single October.

During the last survey, fewer animals were recorded in all categories. The relative decline was greatest for fattening pigs, down 11.5% to 2.77 million head. The number of piglets was down 7.9% to 2.47 million. The total number of breeding sows was down 89,000, or 7.1% from last year, to just under 1.16 million head.

The main organization of the Danish agro-food industry (L&F) names the two main reasons for the reduction of pig breeding in the country: high production costs and low profitability of pig breeding from the summer of 2021. by