Dynamics of prices for concentrated feed


The process of sunflower and soybean harvesting started. Oil crushing plants restore capacity utilization for processing seeds and beans. New season starts production with prices significantly lower t...

The process of sunflower and soybean harvesting started. Oil crushing plants restore capacity utilization for processing seeds and beans. New season starts production with prices significantly lower than those that ended the previous one. So price decline expectations in September were not useless: after getting new crop of sunflower seeds and soya beans for processing, prices for final products have lowered significantly.

Such beginning of the season should please stockbreeders (Fig. 1). As of September 12, 2011 sunflower meal from new crop seeds cost 2,130 UAH/t, it is 15% (370 UAH/t) less than 2 weeks ago (as of August 29, 2011). The prices for sunflower cake decreased by 17% to 2,115 UAH/t.

At soybean feed market tendency is similar — prices are reducing though not so rapidly. The reason is traditional, high demand and inadequate supply. Soybean meal fell by 2% (100 UAH/t) and cost 5,200 UAH/t. Soybean cake price has fallen by 21% to 4,320 UAH/t.

Fig. 1. Dynamics of prices for concentrated feed (in terms of weeks)

During September 2010 — September 2011 prices for concentrated feed increased in all positions. Sunflower meal prices increased by 7.5% from 1,980 UAH/t to 2,130 UAH/t. Sunflower cake rose in price by 13% from 1,875 UAH/ton to 2,015 UAH/t. Year ago soybean feeds (meal and cake) cost 4,040 UAH/ton and 3,420 UAH/ton, respectively. For 12 months of fluctuations, prices went up by 29% and 26%.

* September 1–12, 2011

Fig. 2. Dynamics of concentrated feed prices, September 2010 - September 2011



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