Purchase prices of live weight pigs are steadily declining. Such negative dynamics has been observed for five consecutive weeks.
Prices in May 2010 comparing to the same period in 2009 decreased by 26.3% - from 19 to 14 HRN/ kg live weight (second category). If further price reductions, one-third of domestic enterprises suffers losses.
Price decrease is explain by the increase of livestock prices and volumes of pigs sale. On May 1, all pig farms increased by 15% up to 7.95 million heads, and in agricultural enterprises the growth was recorded at 19%. Accordingly, the sale of pigs for meat increased up to 10.7% comparing to the same period last year, that on the background of low demand in the domestic market contributed to lower purchase prices, even in spite of import reduction.
Although a fall in prices slowed the speed of livestock growth down: according to Goskomstat, speed of pig livestock growth in February amounted to 16.7%, and the growth in April declined to 15% compared to the corresponding period last year.
More information on the price of pigs in live weight - in section "Meat prices"