Government Introduces Support Measures for Pig Producers


BRAZIL — Government ministers and the pig industry met this week to discuss support measures for the sector. Two of the issues discussed was a freight subsidy and a direct subsidy to the produc...

BRAZIL — Government ministers and the pig industry met this week to discuss support measures for the sector.

Two of the issues discussed was a freight subsidy and a direct subsidy to the producer.

With these measures, the industry hopes to increase production and become more competitive without impacting prices.
,br> The industry is also urging the Government to extend debt costs, investment and financing.

Last week, the Government announced a package of measures to mitigate the losses to producers and industry.

The Special Credit Line (LEC) allows farmers to buy piglets at a lower price, with an extension on credit costs.

$200 million credit is available to producers with interest rates of 5.5 per cent.

The government is looking at increasing the credit limit per producer from $1.2 million to $2 million.

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