Import of meat to Ukraine dcreased by 36%


According to the data of the State committee of Statictics in the first half of 2010 import of meat to Ukraine has decreased by 36% compared to the same period of 2009. So, for the first 6 months of...

According to the data of the State committee of Statictics in the first half of 2010 import of meat to Ukraine has decreased by 36% compared to the same period of 2009.

So, for the first 6 months of 2010 import of meat and edible offals decreased by 35.7% or by $105.1 mln.

At the same time import of milk, dairy products, eggs, and honey decreased by 26.6% or by $18.7 mln.

According to the data of branch associations, in 2009 Ukraine imported 398.3 thousand tons of meat products, including 16.5 thous. tons of beef, 216.6 thous. tons of pork, 165.5 thous. tons of poultry meat. They say that about 40% of poultry and pork and about 90% of beef imported are of low quality.

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