The company Niwa Pereiaslavshchiny has built the huge pig complex. The object is situated in the village of Novaia Orzhytsa, Zgurovsky district, Kyiv region.
The pig complex is the largest in Kiev region. The opening ceremony was attended by Anatolii Prysiazhniuk, Kiev region Governor.
Investments in construction of the complex amounted to 80 mln hrn, credit and own resources of the company were used. It was told by Alexander Mostipan, the Head and Part Owner of the company. The staff of the enterprises is only 12 people, 11 of them are engineers.
On the pig complex there are pigs of Landrace and Yorkshire breeds (14.5 thousand) and more than a thousand of sows. The pig complex is designed to grow 30 thousand hogs per year, the capacity of the one-time maintenance is up to 15 thousand heads. The company is provided with its own feeds (they have their own feed mill) - for crops cultivation “Niva Pereiaslavshchiny" has 12 thousand hectares of land in Kiev region.
The company has a closed production cycle - from the mating of animals to the reaching of slaughter conditions. The company delivers its products to its own meat processing enterprise in Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskii and sells to other plants.
According to Alexander Mostipan, on one platform with the company in Novaia Orzhytsa there is almost completed the construction of another new pig complex with the capacity of 30 thousand heads per year. The company plans to bring this complex at full capacity in May 2011, and to have got the first batch of pigs for slaughter till the September-October. The company is also considering building similar facilities in Borodianskii district of Kyiv region.
"Niwa Pereiaslavshchiny", Ltd owns two pig complexes with a total capacity of about 60 thousand heads, slaughter shop and meat processing plant in Pereiaslav-Khmelnitskii, Kiev region, which produces meat and meat products under its own TM "Piatachok" and a network of specialty stores.