Live pigs price dynamics


Prices for live weight pigs start decreasing a little bit. During last three months the prices had been increasing on Ukrainian slaughter market. The main reason for that is the lack of supply of pig...

Prices for live weight pigs start decreasing a little bit. During last three months the prices had been increasing on Ukrainian slaughter market. The main reason for that is the lack of supply of pig meat for processing, as pork import to Ukraine was restricted. Ukraine imported 24.13 thousand tons of pork in the 1st quarter of 2011 which is twice less than at the same period last year(according to the date of State Custom Service).

But such situation didn’t prevent traditional autumn decrease in price. The main reason for that is a broad supply which is provided by private sector.This period is the very period when private famers star selling their pigs. Decrease in price for bacon type pigs(2nd category ) influenced prices for meat type pigs(1st category) .

Thus, the price for bacon type pigs went down by 2% (UAH 0.4/kg) from 19 per kilo to 18.60 per kilo. The price for meat type pigs has not decreased yet, but stopped growing.

On the 13th of September 2011 their price is UAH 21 per kilo of live weight. The price for pigs in the enterprises which are members of Ukrainian Pig Producers Association is stable; it is UAH 21-22 per one kilo of meat type pigs in live weight.

Pic. 1 . Live pigs price dynamics in terms of weeks, UAH/Kg (according to the date of meat processing companies)

Prices’ fluctuation that lasted during the year (September 2010 – September 2011) (pic. 2) stopped at higher level than a year ago. The prices went up by 18% in comparison with September 2010. The prices for bacon type pigs as well as for meat type pigs increased by UAH 3 from UAH 16.40 to UAH 19.35 and from UAH 18 to UAH 21 correspondingly.

Pic. 2. Live pigs price dynamics September 2010 September 2011, UAH/Kg (according to the date of meat processing companies)

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