In March, 2011 was published the third number of the only magazine in Ukraine devoted to pig production.
Itcontains all the important things for pig industry:
- Current industry news;
- Market review (Ukrainian pig complexes rating; First general meeting of Association of Pork Producers of Ukraine);
- The focus (Nadia Kudlai: «We know how to survive. But it is desirable to learn how to live»);
- Management and economics (Motivation of the staff in the AIC; Productive life of your pigs);
- Technologies (Ideal Dad: Pyetren application in industrial pork production; A million of pigs by the Canadian technology);
- Leadership Strategy (Brazilian pig production under the microscope);
- Folk wisdom;
- The farm is not without laughter
Information about purchase or subscription can get in edition of the magazine:
Tel.: (044) 361-64-27, (067) 470-19-39
To place an advertisement in the magazine in 2011
call 067 470 1939, 04744 36985