Ministry of agrarian and food policy of Ukraine will stimulate creation of individual and farming households


The Ministry of agrarian and food policy of Ukrainegoes out with initiative to compensate a part of deposits on building not only large stock-raising complexes but also small-scale farms. It was decla...

The Ministry of agrarian and food policy of Ukrainegoes out with initiative to compensate a part of deposits on building not only large stock-raising complexes but also small-scale farms. It was declared by the minister of agrarian and food policy Nikolai Prysiazhniuk in Cherkassyregion on January, 5.

After his words, Ministry understands the prospect of small households. «We understand perfectly, that not only a large commodity production will provide food safety, thus we will compensate a part of deposits not only on building of complexes for 2,000 cows, but also on creation of family farms and farming enterprise for 10-12 cows», - N.Prysiazhniuk marked.

As was reported by media-service, the Ministry of agrarian and food policy of Ukraine went out with the suggestion to foresee in the state budget for 2011 380million UAH for farming enterprises crediting. Money will be directed, foremost, on the development of dairy and meat stock-raising. Almost 2 thousand farming enterprises will be able to take the advantage of state support.

AIC – Inform

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