‘Ministry of Agricultural Policy has defined key priorities of reforms which are necessary to be implemented in agro-industrial complex’, said the Minister of Agriculture Mykola Prysiazhniuk at the press-conference in Kiev on Tuesday. Priority branches of agrarian sector are to be presented by crop production, pigsty and dairy buiseness.
As to reasons of defining priority spheres of crop production, he stated that it has a great potential and is a base for other branches development, requiring low resource intensity.
Following M. Prysiazhniuk, the necessity in pigsty field reformation is caused by several factors: Ukraine doesn’t satisfy the demand in pork, cost price of this kind of meat in the country is too high to allow its export developing, besides own selective genetic base is missing.
Also the Minister considers dairy buiseness to be an important branch because it is on position #2 after crop production in structure of agricultural gross production. The necessity of reforms in this field he explained by constant reduction of cattle number, high milk and dairy products cost and some other reasons.
Besides, the Minister considers reforms in agricultural science and education, agriculture changes in state management to be important as well.
Ministry of Agricultural Policy also has the intention to offer 5% of all total expenses of state budget to be spent on agricultural complex support since 2011. M. Prysiazhniuk says that 40%
of budget expenses are to be offered to be spend on irreversible base, 60% on reversible one for agricultural leasing and Agricultural fond development. The Minister offers to spread state assets selected on irreversible base in a way for 5% to be spend on Ministry apparatus maintenance, 10% on Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Science, 15% on agrarian education and 70% on agriculture support directly.
Ministry of Agricultural Policy has defined priority fields
‘Ministry of Agricultural Policy has defined key priorities of reforms which are necessary to be implemented in agro-industrial complex’, said the Minister of Agriculture Mykola Prysiazhni...