Ministry of Agriculture will initiate cancelling the moratorium on agricultural land selling. Mykola Prysiazhniuk, the Minister of Agrarian Policy, announced this. ‘The government will insist on cancelling the moratorium on farmland sales. Without this step, we will not be able to form a stable land market development ‘, said Prysiazhniuk.
According to the Minister, the market development of farmland is one of the main priorities of the field reformation together with the crop sector, pig and cattle breeding. Prisyazhnyuk also noted that the Ministry intends to initiate creation of a state mortgage bank of agricultural land: ‘We will create the state mortgage bank of farmland’. As previously reported, in January a presidential candidate Viktor Yanukovych admitted the possibility of holding a referendum on the possibility of selling agricultural land.
We remind that on December, 22, 2009 Parliament extended the moratorium on sale of agricultural land by 2012.
Ukrainian news