Pig breeding in Ukraine. Success despite crisis


Pork is the most popular meat in the world. Even with the consideration of the fact that some nationalities do not consume pork because of their religious positions, it is of 40% of world consumption...

Pork is the most popular meat in the world. Even with the consideration of the fact that some nationalities do not consume pork because of their religious positions, it is of 40% of world consumption of meat.

According to the statements of the FAO, during next 20 days pig production will increase its output by at least 2% annually in the world recovering from the recession.

For the Ukrainians pork is traditionally favorite product which in past three years consistently holds about one third of the meat diet of the population. Moreover, following last year results, pig breeding showed 20% production growth, which makes it one of the most successful sectors of Ukrainian agriculture. Analysts and experts predict not only successful meeting domestic market demands in pork by Ukrainian enterprises, but also their access to the level of the world's leading pork producers.

However, the spring brought continuous fall in prices of pig live weight for Ukrainian producers. So is the growth of livestock a temporal phenomenon, an echo of unprecedented high prices for pigs in 2009, or is it a really stable trend of industry which is going to be really succesful in the future?

The real state of pork production in Ukraine and the competitive advantages of Ukrainian producers in the world market – these are some of those urgent issues to be covered in detail by leading Ukrainian and foreign experts at the Second International Congress ‘Profitable Pig Breeding’.

The event that unites real professionals, is to be held on June, 14, 2010 in SE "Ukrainskyi Dim", Kyiv city.

More than 100 representatives of best pig enterprises in Ukraine have already been registered to participate in the Congress. You are welcome to join the team of upholders!

Details on www.pigprogress.org


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