Polish pork heads to China but will supply last?


Food exported to China from Poland grew by 50% in 2011, and looks to grow, but pig population is in decline, the Warsaw Business Journal reports. Poland has been increasing its presence in Asia, with...

Food exported to China from Poland grew by 50% in 2011, and looks to grow, but pig population is in decline, the Warsaw Business Journal reports.

Poland has been increasing its presence in Asia, with food exports to China increasing by 50%, and meat exports, most of which was pork, to South Korea increasing by 300% last year.

The reason behind the boom is the growing moneyed Chinese middle class and that Chinese consumers have a broader preference for food products particular to them, products that do not do so well in other markets. This means that Polish exporters can expand the range of pork proucts they can bring to market.
Polish expansion into the China market will not be without obstacles, the first being the differences in food regulations, standards and business culture; in the wake of several food scandals Chinese importers are demanding higher standards and security.
The second is that that Poland’s pig population may not be able to sustain a push into China; Poland’s pork prices are currently higher than the European average.

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