Prices for pork grow, but for pigs they are falling ...


Wholesale prices (VAT) in the second category of pork processing plants on 29 October were 27.93 hrn / kg. It is 3% more than at the same period last year. The lowest price was recorded in Khmelnitski...

Wholesale prices (VAT) in the second category of pork processing plants on 29 October were 27.93 hrn / kg. It is 3% more than at the same period last year. The lowest price was recorded in Khmelnitskii region - 25.50 hrn / kg, while the highest one was in Ternopil region - 35.50 hrn / kg.

Purchase prices in the second category of pigs live weight on that date amounted to 15,341 hrn / t in average all over Ukraine. It’s 7% lower than on the same date in 2009. Thus, the highest prices were in Luhansk region – 18,000 hrn /t. The lowest prices prevailed in Ivano-Frankivsk region.

Meanwhile, in most EU countries the price for slaughter pigs stopped falling, which began in early September, and for several consecutive weeks demonstrated an enviable stability. The most balanced ratio of "demand-offer" is in Germany.

Information prepared by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine

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