Purchase price of the 1st category pigs rose by 5.5% during last two weeks


According to the date of members of the Association of Pig Producers of Ukraine average purchasing price on pig in live weight rose by 5.5% & was 21.02 UAH/kg as of the 9th of April. It was announ...

According to the date of members of the Association of Pig Producers of Ukraine average purchasing price on pig in live weight rose by 5.5% & was 21.02 UAH/kg as of the 9th of April. It was announced by Dykun Global Consult analytic department. The average purchasing price on pig of the 2nd category was 20.00 UAH/kg.

“Due to reduction of pigs number, that was at the begging of the year, pork deficit appeared on the market, - Yevgeniy Stetsenko, Dukyn Global Consult analyst, states, - Besides Ukrainian people are going to celebrate Easter soon, traditionally this provokes increasing of pork demand”

As PigUa stated earlier according to the date of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine the retail pork price increased by 2% during the month and reached 17959 UAH/ t as of the 9th of April.

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