Renewal in pig breeding: long-term trend or a temporary success?


After a recession in 1990s Ukraine pig breeding shows either its production rise, or its decline – with the interval in 4 years in average. Now the industry demonstrates the recovery again (an i...

After a recession in 1990s Ukraine pig breeding shows either its production rise, or its decline – with the interval in 4 years in average. Now the industry demonstrates the recovery again (an increase in total number of pigs up to 20% compared to the last year). Therefore, all people related to pig breeding are concerned, if this time, positive dynamic will be a long-term one, or it is better to get prepared for a recession again. These are the urgent issues discussed by both beginners and leading representatives of pig breeding (250 participants in total) on June, 14 at the second International Congress "Profitable Pig Breeding - Success Despite the Crisis" (Kyiv).

The report of Artur Anatoliyevych Loza (Project Manager, Director of Demis-Agro Ltd.) drew particular attention of the Congress participants as the problem of modern pork breeding situation in Ukraine and Ukrainian competitive advantages on the global market were described thoroughly in it.

For convictions of A. Loza, pork will remain the key protein meal provision in the. However, the success of industry and pork consumption level ate directly dependent on the level of GDP.

Meanwhile pork consumption in Ukraine (about 13 kg. per person per year), is one of the lowest in the world, and even three times lower, compared to data of separate years of pig breeding in Ukraine (33 kg. per person per year).Therefore, as A. Loza said, even the domestic market in Ukraine is in low pork supply: at only 25kg. of pork consumption per person per year (38 kg is a physiological norm) we need at least 1.15 million tons of pork in slaughter weight. As A. Loza estimated, considering the production potential of the sector, Ukraine can produce at least three times more.

"Ukrainian pig sector has all the prerequisites for creating internal competition and increasing exports of pork, but if the conversion is based on industrial production and in compliance with the requirements and standards of the EU and WTO", A. Loza. states.
The major problems along the way no one the expert calls the lack: 1. of the development strategy; 2. of the systematic program of actions, from the operative decision of which the successful implementation of favorable development of the Ukrainian pig breeding positive preconditions depends.

Photoreport of the Congress on

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