Sausage Should Be Made Only Of Meat And That’s it


If it contains soya or other vegetative additives it’s not sausage then and there is no reason to call it like this. The act delayed since 2006 is finally adopted. Well, henceforth all the tradi...

If it contains soya or other vegetative additives it’s not sausage then and there is no reason to call it like this. The act delayed since 2006 is finally adopted. Well, henceforth all the traditional sausage sorts are to be produced only according to the State Standard.

Traditional sausage sorts, our favorites since childhood, are to be produced only according to the classical, state sanctioned receipt. Traditional names are forbidden to be changed by law as well as to produce sausages of this type under technical conditions. If there is a ТУ (technical conditions) mark instead of ДСТУ (state standards) it means it is a fraud.

Producers are not happy with these innovations. If a producer follows all the objectives, a kilo of cooked sausage will cost HUA 60. A lot of Ukrainians can’t afford expensive though natural sausage. To survive the producers will try to fool anyway. They don’t mind working according to the standards but such a sausage will cost more than meat.

The thing is who will buy this production. For those consumers who can afford this product there is no problem for buying DSTU-produced sausage. But it is a really narrow market segment because of a low purchasing capacity of the population.

Law-givers realize that a cheap sausage segment will not disappear from the market because it’s of great demand. That’s why soya sausages, for instance, aren’t to be prohibited. But the consumer is aware now of their content. Besides, production containing other components except meat will be called not sausage but vegetable product.

Producers admit that following new rules is much more difficult. But they claim that in a competitive struggle it is quality that will matter anyway.                                                                                                

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