The best support of pig production is the compensation of loan interest rate


Access to credit funds is one of the crucial factors that influence the development of agrarian business including animal husbandry. The conditions of crediting in Ukraine are not as favorable as in c...

Access to credit funds is one of the crucial factors that influence the development of agrarian business including animal husbandry. The conditions of crediting in Ukraine are not as favorable as in countries with well-developed pig production. But there are possibilities of easing of credit with the help of the state. The Ministry of Agrarian policy and Food of Ukraine announced that 601 enterprises from different branches of agriculture received loan interest compensation for involved credits in 2011.It is important to note that 2 668 agricultural enterprises involved credits with total value UAH 14.9 milliards. 422 enterprises received compensation for credits involved in 2007-2011. UAH208.3 mln(40.6% of the total value of compensated loan interest ) were allocated for pig producers and poultry producers. The Ministry does not specify the names of the enterprises that have received compensation of loan interest rate. You can learn more about the governmental support of pig production and adopt experience of foreign pig producers at  4th International Congress “Profitable Pig Production” 

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