In 2010, prices for meat are not to grow and Ukrainian meat import is not to increase. This has been stated at a press briefing today by the Minister of Agrarian Policy Mylola Prysiazhniuk.
According to the Department of Information and Mass Communications, Cabinet Secretariat, M. Prisyazhnyuk noted that according to the results of the 1st quarter of this year, imported meat volume is 40% less than in 2009. According to him, this situation is caused by the fact that the State Board of Veterinary Medicine values the quality of imported meat more responsibly, and by the increase of domestic poultry and pork production. ‘Social welfare of customers is not at the necessary level, meat market is growing not quick enough. But we monitor the situation. And prices will not rise and meat import growth is not expected as well", he said.
The Minister noted that today for both the Ministry and the government in general, the development and reconstruction of pig industry and dairy cattle breeding in particular are the priorities. "Today the priority sectors are crop production, pig and dairy cattle breeding. Development of these areas is essential for the further development of agriculture ", said M. Prysiazhniuk.
He said that today the production of poultry meat is at the level of European countries, but the output of beef and pork is less productive. Therefore, as the Minister noted, this year the Government will develop the procedure of budget funds usage so as to encourage farmers to increase dairy herd livestock. "We will fund and provide loans for farmers and the private sector together with industrial production will be able to use public funds for the construction of mini-pig farms. We will find the mechanisms to develop pig and cattle breeding, and beef production as well ", said N. Prysiazhniuk.