The Chinese are interested in all agro industrial sector of Ukraine. They are interested in wheat, soy-bean, animal stock breeding, wholesale agrarian markets, mushrooms. But there is one condition: China pays and Ukraine gives the territory.
According to the results of formal visit of Ukrainian delegation under the supervision of Mykola Prysyazhnyuk (the head of Agrarian policy and food of Ukraine) the sides signed couple of documents about cooperation. The visit took place on the 18th – 20th of August.
The main directions of cooperation are the building of combined breeding and feeding farms with further sales of goods on the Ukrainian market, as well as abroad. The other direction of cooperation is building up businesses for wheat and soy-bean growing, with further sales of these crops abroad.
Besides, China is interested in the building of elevators and silos, hot frames for vegetable growing and in the creation of a number of wholesale vegetable markets on the territory of Ukraine.
The memorandum about the creation of strategic alliance for implementation of joint Ukrainian-Chinese project “Mushroom industry” was signed.
Both sides also plan to enhance the cooperation in biomedicine and bio veterinary spheres.
The sides also signed memorandum about comprehension between Ukrainian Ministry and export-import bank of China, and also China National Corporation of Machinery Industry.