The number of pigs is decreasing, but the pork production is growing


According to the date of the state committee of statistics the number of pigs decreased in October, in comparison with the previous month. The difference in quantity is 67.1 thousand pigs or 1%. As o...

According to the date of the state committee of statistics the number of pigs decreased in October, in comparison with the previous month. The difference in quantity is 67.1 thousand pigs or 1%.

As of the 01.11.2011 the total pig heard is 8067.4 thousand heads, 3499.2 thousand heads are kept in agricultural enterprises, 4568.2 thousand heads are kept in private enterprises.

Despite the pig heard decrease, the positive dynamics of production can be noticed. There were produced 39.9 tons of live weight pork; 34 thousand tons were sold for slaughter.

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