The price for pork is expected to increase in autumn as well as other kinds of meat


During the last month the price for pork has increased by few Ukrainian hryvnas. The price for this kind of meat will go on rising, as experts say. The prices for chicken and beef increase as well. Th...

During the last month the price for pork has increased by few Ukrainian hryvnas. The price for this kind of meat will go on rising, as experts say. The prices for chicken and beef increase as well. The prices for feedstuff are slowly climbing up too. Oil, Butter, eggs have become more expensive. But price hike for meat products hit the wallet of the ordinary consumer most of all.

“During the last month the price for pork increased from UAH60-65 per one kilo to UAH63-67, the price for beef increased from UAH65-67 per one kilo to UAH67-70, and for chicken from UAH17-18 to UAH18-19. Pork is the main reason for all meat products price increase”, said Taras Gagaluyk.

“The price for pork will increase by 5-7% in Autumn”, forecasts Taras Gagaluyk. The main reasons for that are the decreasing number of pig herd and pig farms in Ukraine and production cost increase.

It is the consequence of considerable price increase for live weight pigs in the middle of summer. The prices were very low in January and the pig heard started to decrease in winter –spring period as a result of feeds price rising. The winter price for live weight pigs was UAH 12-14, and summer price was UAH 22-24.

The director of “AgriSurvey”agency Taras Gagalyuk says that meat processing industry will develop in Ukraine. And small producers will go out of business.

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