The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (ACU) allowed JV “Agrofirma Kuibyshevo” (Kuibyshevo village, Poltava region), which belongs to one of the largest producers of sugar –company “Sakharnii Soiuz ”Ukrros”, to buy shares in two agricultural firms in Poltava region.
Thus, the ACU allowed agrocompany "Kuibyshevo" (grows cereals, oilseeds and industrial crops, produces whole milk for further industrial processing within the region, is engaged in manufacture and sale of cattle and pigs) to buy the shares of the authorized capital of JV “Udai|" (Enkivtsi village, Poltava region) and JV "Rassvet" (Matskivtsi village, Poltava region), which grow and sell crops, produce whole milk for its further industrial processing within the region, grow and sell cattle and pigs.
This transaction will provide agrocompany "Kuibyshevo" with an excess of 50% of votes in the highest management body mentioned-above companies.
JSC “Sakharnii Soiuz”Ukrros” was established in February 2007. It is composed of seven sugar factories (LLC “Chertkovskii sugar factory”, OJSC “Palmirskii sugar factory”, LLC “Orzhitskii sugar factory”, LLC “Tsukrove”, JSC “Savinskii sugar factory", OJSC “Kupians'kii sugar refinery”, JSC “Gubinihskii sugar factory”) and 22 agricultural enterprises. The company manages about 100 thousand hectares of land. In 2009 “Ukrros” produced 130 thousand tons of sugar beet (in 2008 - 199 thousand tons).