V International Dairy Congress!
February28–29,2012,Kyiv, SE «Ukrainskiy Dim»
Under support of Ukrainian Dairy Association
It will unite over 600 managers and specialists of leading agricultural dairy enterprises, processors, commercial companies and financial institutions.
Day 1. THEORETICAL part.
*** Dairy Business Analytics
*** Management and Finances
*** Milk Production Technology
*** Veterinary
Day 2. PRACTICAL part.
Visit to Leading Ukrainian Dairy Farms.
*** «Vitchyzna», (Dairy Herd Size — 970, Average milk yield per cow — 6,6 thousand kg)
*** «Avangard», (Dairy Herd Size — 610, Average milk yield per cow — 6.5 thousand kg)
Detailed Congress Program at www.dairycongress.org
Dykun Global Сonsult
tel/fax: +38 04744 36985,
off.mob: +38 067 4701939,