• Foodservice distributor Sysco says no to sow stalls

    Sysco, North America’s largest foodservice distributor, has followed other food companies in announcing that they will stop using pork that was produced using sow stalls during gestation. Sysco...
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  • Ag organisation rings alarm bells for Belgian pig industry

    It is not high feed prices, it’s the Belgian pork processing and distributing industry that keep Belgium’s pig farmers in a permanent crisis. This was a recent message by a Hendrik Vandamm...
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  • Brazilian government guarantees minimum price for pigs

    The Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, Mendes Ribeiro Filho, has assured that pigs will be sold against a minimum price of R$0.40/kg (US$0.20). The measure aims to ensure the flow of produ...
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  • Foodservice distributor Sysco says no to sow stalls

    Sysco, North America’s largest foodservice distributor, has followed other food companies in announcing that they will stop using pork that was produced using sow stalls during gestation. Sysco...
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  • Study Supports Need to Reform Ethanol Production Mandate 20 July 2012

    US - In response to a new economic study on the impact of corn ethanol production on food prices and commodity price volatility, a coalition of livestock and poultry groups is urging Congress to refor...
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  • Study Supports Need to Reform Ethanol Production Mandate 20 July 2012

    US - In response to a new economic study on the impact of corn ethanol production on food prices and commodity price volatility, a coalition of livestock and poultry groups is urging Congress to refor...
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  • Government Introduces Support Measures for Pig Producers

    BRAZIL — Government ministers and the pig industry met this week to discuss support measures for the sector. Two of the issues discussed was a freight subsidy and a direct subsidy to the produc...
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  • US pork prices likely to rise as record drought continues

    Long-term prices for pork may rise in the United States as the the country is going through the worst drought in 24 years. Effects now felt on grain markets will be felt by both pork producers as well...
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  • Scottish councillors react to potential Vion closure

    Councillors in West Lothian, Scotland, are discussing with Vion the options in light of the possible closure of Hall's of Broxburn, the largest of Scotland’s pork processing plants. The announc...
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  • Government Introduces Support Measures for Pig Producers

    BRAZIL — Government ministers and the pig industry met this week to discuss support measures for the sector. Two of the issues discussed was a freight subsidy and a direct subsidy to the produc...
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  • US pork prices likely to rise as record drought continues

    Long-term prices for pork may rise in the United States as the the country is going through the worst drought in 24 years. Effects now felt on grain markets will be felt by both pork producers as well...
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  • Scottish councillors react to potential Vion closure

    Councillors in West Lothian, Scotland, are discussing with Vion the options in light of the possible closure of Hall's of Broxburn, the largest of Scotland’s pork processing plants. The announc...
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  • Russia confirms six new outbreaks of African swine fever

    The OIE has reported six new outbreaks of African swine fever in Tver region in swine and wild species. The outbreaks of ASF have been reported in Molokovsky, Kalininsky, Bezhetsky, Udomelsky, Ramesh...
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  • Cephalosporin use drops by 99% in Danish pig production

    The consumption of the broad-spectrum antibiotic cephalosporin in Danish piggeries has plummeted by almost 99% over the past three years. In 2009, Danish pig producers used about 99 kg of cephalospor...
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  • Agriculture Ministry seeking to move all of pig farms to country's south

    The Agriculture Ministry wants all 26 of Israel's pig farms to be moved from the north of the country to the south as part of a NIS 300 million project aimed at reducing pollution in residential areas...
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  • Russia confirms six new outbreaks of African swine fever

    The OIE has reported six new outbreaks of African swine fever in Tver region in swine and wild species. The outbreaks of ASF have been reported in Molokovsky, Kalininsky, Bezhetsky, Udomelsky, Ramesh...
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  • Cephalosporin use drops by 99% in Danish pig production

    The consumption of the broad-spectrum antibiotic cephalosporin in Danish piggeries has plummeted by almost 99% over the past three years. In 2009, Danish pig producers used about 99 kg of cephalospor...
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  • Agriculture Ministry seeking to move all of pig farms to country's south

    The Agriculture Ministry wants all 26 of Israel's pig farms to be moved from the north of the country to the south as part of a NIS 300 million project aimed at reducing pollution in residential areas...
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  • Popularity of Pork Undimmed

    UK — Pork is the most popular meat served out of the home and nine out of 10 people would like to know the style of cooking and type of cut when choosing...
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  • US pork sector close to financial disaster

    Drought and the impact on feed prices may be on the verge of creating a financial disaster for the US pork industry and other livestock. The crop stress that began in&nb...
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