Is antibiotic reduction linked to pig welfare?
Studies show that improving pig welfare through proper management and housing strategies will reduce antibiotic use.
ASF outbreaks in Asia and Europe were the result of preventive measures in other countries
A series of recent African swine fever (ASF) outbreaks overseas have prompted new prevention programs in Canada.
2022 is a challenging year for pig production in Poland
2022 has been a challenging year for the Polish pork industry. Rising energy and feed prices, as well as the ongoing African swine fever (ASF) epidemic, are critical influences.
How did the pig production fare in early 2022?
At the end of 2022 it will be worthwhile to look back at how the industry developed during the year. According to the data shared by the head of the analytical department of the Association of Ukranian Pig Breeders Oleksandra Bondarska at the beginning of the year the industry was significantly dominated by the industrial sector.
Ukraine received another package of financial support from international partners
The U.S. — a $ 2 billion grant through the World Bank Trust Fund to ensure the payment of pensions, salaries for social protection workers and support the provision of medical services through the program of medical guarantees;
Results of grain and leguminous crops harvest
As of last week, grain and leguminous crops were harvested on 9.8 million hectares (88%) with a yield of 45.6 cwt/ha, 44.9 million tons of grain were threshed including:
Livestock market: positive price dynamics on the eve of holidays
Despite the non-seasonal price dynamics during the 4th quarter, at the end of the year the quotes in the livestock market increased in response to the previous demand revival. Such results of the previous trades indicate the results of the monitoring of the analytical department of the Association of Ukrainian Pig Breeders.
Diagnosis of pig respiratory complex diseases: viral pathogens
In industrial pig breeding, the problem of diseases of the respiratory complex is one of the most pressing. Most often, associative forms of lung infections caused by agents of both viral and bacterial etiology, which are difficult to differentiate, are registered in animals.
Consequences of the war on the Ukrainian agricultural sector — Getmantsev
At the peak of the invading army's offensive (February-March), Ukraine lost control of nearly 25% of its territory, including millions of hectares of agricultural land.
Taxpayers exempt from financial liability for failure to file tax returns on time
Taxpayers are exempt from financial liability for failure to file tax returns by the deadline, which is caused by a power outage due to missile strikes by the aggressor state.
Pig production: the results of 2022 — the prospects of 2023
On December 20 there was an event «Pig production: Results 2022 and prospects 2023», organized by the Association of Ukranian Pig Breeders, Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, Ukrainian Agrarian Council and «Phoenix Agro».
Brazil: Hog slaughter up in third quarter
Hog slaughter was up 5.0% year-on-year and up 2.4% from the previous quarter.
Italy: trade in pigs and pig products from Sardinia will be authorised
The current epidemiological situation of African swine fever (ASF) in Sardinia has allowed the reopening of the pork trade.
Recovery continues in all livestock sectors
This was stated by the First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Taras Vysotsky during a live broadcast of "Unified News".
Risk Assessment of the Spread of Diseases in Wild Fauna
In terms of controlling the spread of some swine diseases, wildlife plays a key role. For example, when it comes to African swine fever (ASF). In 2014, for example, ASF outbreaks were recorded exclusively in wildlife.
Andriy Dykun and Boris Johnson discussed the possibility of creating an assistance fund for Ukrainian farmers
Chairman of the All-Ukrainian Agrarian Council Andrey Dykun and director of the Ukrainian Agrarian Forum Maria Didukh met with former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. The parties discussed the current situation in the Ukrainian agricultural sector, deepening of the world food crisis and possible ways to cooperate, in particular the creation of an international fund to support Ukrainian farmers.
Importance and efficiency of air intake
The incoming air in the house is one of the most critical factors for the animals' well-being because it directly influences the air velocity, air temperature, air quality, and air humidity.
Germany: Further decrease in Lower Saxony's pig population
Compared to November 2021, the total number of pigs is down 8.9% to 7.1 million, the lowest level in a decade.
The future of EU pigmeat production
Pigmeat consumption and production will start declining over the next ten years due to health, environmental, and social concerns.
EFSA: Zoonotic diseases and foodborne outbreaks in 2021
Yersiniosis and foodborne listeriosis outbreaks exceeded pre-pandemic levels.