• Ukraine has significantly increased the rate of grain exports in the last 2 months

    The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Foodstuffs of Ukraine is putting maximum efforts and attention on the adjustment of the logistics of agricultural exports. The Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Mykola Solsky told about the decisions and changes that the agro-industrial complex has undergone since the war.

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  • Indirect losses in agriculture are estimated at $23.3 billion. U.S.

    That is stated in the analysis "An Overview of Indirect Losses from the War in Ukrainian Agriculture" prepared by the team of the Center for Food and Land Management Research of the KSE Institute jointly with the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.

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  • Live pigs market: price growth slows down

    This week, the increase in the average price in the market of pigs slaughter conditions was 0.7%, compared to 4% a week earlier. The slowdown in the growth rate of purchase prices was recorded by analysts of the Association of Ukranian Pig Breeders.

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  • US pork exports are falling

    April pork exports were well below the large totals posted a year ago.

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  • Pig prices advance in Spain and Belgium

    Pig prices advanced in Spain (+ 2 ₵) and Belgium (+ 4 ₵) over the last week, while the rest of the EU market is close to the level of 1.80 € / kg, given by the German benchmark. 

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  • The government supported the launch of three programs aimed at stimulating entrepreneurial activity

    The first program introduces micro grants of up to 250 thousand UAH for each Ukrainian who wants to start his or her first business or develop an existing one.

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  • Global corn and soybean market situation according to USDA

    Possible corn shipments from Brazil to China could reshape the world grain market.

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  • How much cheaper is pig feed?

    For the past few months, the market has been spreading the thesis that prices for grains, oilseeds and processed products have more than halved through blocked exports. Such theses, on the one hand, are met with reproaches about the super profits of domestic pork farms and, on the other hand, with fears of a sharp rise in domestic prices to the level of world prices after the opening of the ports. The Association of Pig Breeders of Ukraine has analyzed how well grounded these hypotheses are.

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  • Canada approves three Brazilian pork processing plants

    The Canadian market has recently opened its doors to Brazilian pork.

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  • Ukraine withdrew from the CIS agreement on the creation of a reserve of biopreparations and other means of animal protection

    On June 19, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a total of 15 laws and 3 resolutions, with two bills in first reading. Zokerma adopted the law "On the withdrawal from the Agreement on the establishment of the Interstate reserve of biopreparations and other means of animal protection in the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States", No.0103.

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  • How not to stay without electricity if you have a debt?

    Since the beginning of the war, not all operators of the pork market could not pay the cost of utilities on time, as a consequence of the enterprises began to receive letters of happiness with notification of disconnection from the power supply. Is it lawful and how to react in such a situation?

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  • EU: Producer margins will not improve until balance is restored, says Rabobank

    EU27+UK pork production needs to decline to rebalance supply and demand, according to Rabobank.

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  • VRU ratified the Agreement on the abolition of import duties and tariff quotas in bilateral trade with the UK

    This decision was supported by an absolute majority of deputies — 301 votes in favor!

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  • Netherlands: Producers won't break even this year, says Rabobank

    With rising costs, there is little chance that the piglet price in the Netherlands will reach break-even levels in 2022, according to Rabobank.

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  • Are your pigs getting enough water?

    Limiting water intake can have a significant impact on pig productivity. The experts at Hog Slat have shared a few actionable tips to help make sure they're getting enough water.

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  • Present and future of live pig trade in the EU

    Why have intra-EU trade flows of piglets, slaughter pigs, and sows changed?

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  • Government may revoke exemptions for critical imports

    After the abolition by the Verkhovna Rada of tax exemptions on imports, the government plans to abolish the list of critical imports goods and services for which international currency payments were allowed. This was reported by the first deputy chairman of the Tax Committee of the VRU Yaroslav Zheleznyak and the head of the committee Danilo Getmantsev.

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  • What's wrong with foreign pork trade?

    In early May, Ukraine received permission to transit pork and beef meat and meat products through the EU. However, there is no activation of external supplies of pork in late spring or early June. At the same time, market operators note the revival of pork imports. The The Association of Ukranian Pig Breeders analyzed the reasons for this situation.

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